Wednesday, October 30, 2013

If I Had a Favorite Advertisement Agency...

One of my most favorite commercials of all time is, of course, the Old Spice commercial featuring Isaiah Mustafa.
This commercial was done by the advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy. As I began to look through the works they've done as an advertising company, I came to appreciate their works. This company has worked on an myriad of commercials and campaigns for various companies, but most notably Nike. This company is known for their creation of Nike's most amazing slogan 'Just Do It'. The works that I've seen from them so far have all come across with a very positive energy and it just makes you feel happy and encouraged overall. A great example of this is their work for Coca-Cola with their "Coke Side of Life" commercial.
It begins with a segment that is very similar to the extremely violent and infamous game Grand Theft Auto. Then it goes from this rather negative scene with this intense tough guy into this joyous parade of him doing positive and helpful things for everyone. It is charged with joy and happiness and it's extremely infectious, you can hardly watch it and not feel some joy somewhere in your self. This company is amazing in my opinion because of how joyous and overall how effective they are with their advertisements. They make us feel emotions, and that just shows how as a company they are so fantastic.

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